Blog test. Check out what your nail shape tells about you?

Can the shape of the nails tell something about our character?

I didn’t believe it myself until I went deeper into the subject. I perfectly knew that discolourations and natural colour of the nail plate may tell a lot about, for example, possible diseases. However, did you know that the nail shape also matters?

Nail shape vs the personality

Even things such as nail plate shape can reveal your personality type. Sounds improbable, but there’s logic to it. After all, not everyone likes almond shape, not everyone feels comfortable with long nails and square nails are not suitable for each one of us.

In this post, you will learn which features of our character are given away by the shape of the nails. Contrary to the appearances, our hands hold a lot of information. What kind of information?

Long and rectangular nails

Owners of this nail plate are self-confident and have a good head on their shoulders. These are people who love the company and spending time with old friends but do not lock themselves away from new friendships. Their main features are restraint, thought out decisions and walk out of every situation unscathed.

Wide nails

Women with wide nail plate have great analytic abilities. They are mostly very careful and think twice before making any decision. They are restrained when it comes to judging people and making friendships with them. These are intuitive, creative and hard-working people.

Short and round nails

People with short and expressively rounded nails have strong character. They surround themselves with many people but are loyal and devoted to their friends. Women with this nail plate know what they want from life and are not afraid to make some risk.

Square nails

If someone has square nails then is certainly a down-to-earth person. It is a nail plate characteristic to the born leaders, hard-working people to whom others gladly give tasks and the responsibility for them. They know how to warm up the party.

Triangular nails

Women with triangular nail shape are self-confident and not afraid to fight for their dreams. They are characterised by their passion and sturdy in life, that is why when it comes to the work they are persistent and clever. The tasks assigned to them treat seriously and with responsibility.

Long and oval nails

Ladies with long and rounded nails are usually creative. They draw inspiration from the surrounding them world and nature, that is why they feel best at their own environment. They are cheerful and infect you with their positive energy. It is said that they are created to love.

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