We are going to have make-up done! How to prepare skin and what to inform a make-up artist about?

As you remove hair from your legs before massaging, you should take care of your skin before having make-up done. If you have never do this, I think it’s high time you started. In this way, you will help a make-up artist do their job and you will look much prettier. What else should be done before visiting a beautician?
Care is a must!
If you’re planning to visit a beautician to have a professional make-up done, prepare your complexion first. You don’t have to use expensive products, give your face massage or use strange devices to take care of skin. It will be enough just to care for your face skin daily. Regularly apply peelings, put on soothing face creams and cleanse skin pores.
Do face peeling
Thanks to this you will remove dead epidermis cells and impurities that have gathered in your skin pores, highlight discolorations, and probably smooth fine lines. Moreover, make-up looks much better when applied to smooth face. If you see that your skin pores are still enlarged and the complexion is uneven, apply cleansing face masks and follow with a moisturising cream. What should you apply peeling? It depends when your party, wedding reception or other important event is scheduled on. The best solution is performing the procedure two days before the function. Thanks to this you will avoid irritations and allergic reactions.
Stick to your favourite cosmetics
Don’t replace your cosmetics with new ones too frequently. By applying new care products, you expose your skin to imperfections. Also, the belief that skin gets used to particular products and doesn’t react on them is far from being true. However, if you really have to replace your make-up cosmetics, analyse the list of ingredients the new products are made from. They should contain natural substances. Also, beware the long lists of ingredients.
What to inform a make-up artist about?
If you are allergic to some colour cosmetics or individual substances, tell the beautician about this. Even the brush bristle and sponges can irritate your skin. Furthermore, the colour of make-up has to play in tune with the outfit you’re going to wear that night. Therefore, describe the dress you are planning to wear or show the beautician the outfit (just the picture). After all, your look must be perfect.
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