Howdy Girls? If everything is OK then sit back and read what I’ve prepared for you. I know that every woman adores making her life easier, especially when it comes to make-up and body care. Therefore, thanks to this post, you’re going to get to know my favourite[…]
Hello Girls! Sudden weight loss, pregnancy, age and even incorrect body position can weaken condition of skin. The result? Loose, flabby and low on elasticity skin of belly, shoulder, leg, chin and other body parts. Any ideas how to cope with this bashful problem? Let me give you[…]
Another nail series entry. Today, I’m going to describe my ways to enjoy perfect manicure for as long as it is possible. Contrary to all appearances, this isn’t a tough task. It turns out that you need to watch yourself out a little bit more than usually. What[…]
Skin moisturisation can have various forms. It’s obvious that you should drink a bottle of mineral water a day and hydrate your skin in all possible ways. It’s especially important during the summer because water has the tendency towards excessive evaporation form body. You need to know that[…]
Hello girls! For some unknown reason I’ve been coming across posts and passing remarks concerning the use of Mineral Oil (a.k.a. Petroleum). If I understand it correctly, many of you treat this product as an alternative to cosmetic oils and hair masks. Does it work that way? What[…]
DO YOU LIKE NATURAL BEAUTY PRODUCTS? If you have doubts, I’ll try to make you one of their fans. I can’t imagine my skin and hair care routine without products containing mostly natural ingredients. My skin looks far better and is no longer problematic. Looking at natural beauty[…]