Hello girls! For some unknown reason I’ve been coming across posts and passing remarks concerning the use of Mineral Oil (a.k.a. Petroleum). If I understand it correctly, many of you treat this product as an alternative to cosmetic oils and hair masks. Does it work that way? What[…]

DO YOU LIKE NATURAL BEAUTY PRODUCTS? If you have doubts, I’ll try to make you one of their fans. I can’t imagine my skin and hair care routine without products containing mostly natural ingredients. My skin looks far better and is no longer problematic. Looking at natural beauty[…]

Hi, girls! You don’t even realize how many beauty mistakes you make. If you don’t care for your skin the right way, you’ll see the results in the near future. Acne, wrinkles, irritations and other imperfections. Check the proper facial skin care routine. Don’t sleep with makeup on![…]

Do you like to have a lazy day with a book and a face mask from time to time? To me, it’s a weekly ritual, which I have to perform because it provides me with a moment of relaxation and has a beneficial impact on my skin. I[…]

I’m sure you’ve heard of natural sea sponges but the question is whether you’ve used them? Worth getting one? Why isn’t a regular, synthetic sponge enough? Why think of changes? After all, natural sea sponges are far more expensive. What’s so exceptional about them? Yeah, what’s inside? Let[…]

Nanoil hair oil

Hey Beautiful Beings! I’m sure that many of you have already heard about Nanoil hair oils. Many bloggers tested the oils and I was truly amazed that these very products are given so many positive opinions. If you are curious my rigorous and stringent tests, and the mark[…]